Historic timber roofs, a knowledge-based approach to strengthening: the case study of a Renaissance palace in Ferrara

To preserve timber roof structures for their historical and architectural value and to plan strengthening intervention, knowledge is essential since it allows to fully understand their cultural significance and actual structural behavior. This paper presents the case study of Palazzo Costabili, in Ferrara, Italy, to propose a method to plan architectural strengthening intervention on historical timber roof structures based on a detailed knowledge of the structures’ features and state. The palace object of this study is characterized by historical timber structures, an expression of traditional local building techniques, which were partially damaged in the 2012 earthquake. An in-depth and careful study of the structure was therefore carried out to identify specific parts that needed to be reinforced. A strengthening of the roof structure was thus designed considering the performances of the timber components and their historical-cultural value. More specifically, the timber roof was first assessed to identify the main wood species, the constructive types and their related vulnerabilities, while the parts that showed consistent signs of structural stress were later evaluated by specialists using visual and instrumental analysis. Finally, data collected were critically analyzed to better plan the strengthening intervention, considering both the stress state of the single components and their specific weaknesses, in full compliance with preservation criteria and needs.


The author acknowledges Prof. Eva Coïsson for coordinating the study, the Suprintendence officers arch. Sardo and arch. Manara for managing the preservation activity and the CNR-IVALSA experts Nicola Macchioni, Elisa Pecoraro, Benedetto Pizzo for performing on-site assessment.


The study is part of a wider research aimed at studying the vulnerabilities of Palazzo Costabili for the definition of restoration and seismic improvement proposals, funded by the Regional Secretariat for Emilia-Romagna (MiBACT).