Mutations of a modern habitat. The district of Derb Jdid in Casablanca
DOI: 10.17410/tema.v5i2.225
The recovery of the former University pediatric clinics in Cagliari: a project for the reuse, environmental redevelopment and structural and anti-seismic retrofitting of a modern building in a monumental centre
Luigi Fenu, Paolo Putzulu, Francesco Sedda, Carlo Atzeni, Claudio Sirigu, Stefano Cadoni, Francesco Marras
Published online: May 5, 2018DOI: 10.17410/tema.v4i1.168
Mediterranean traditional architecture and tools for the recovery. The case study of Dellys in Algeria
Carlo Atzeni, Silvia Mocci, Xavier Casanovas
Published online: December 5, 2017DOI: 10.17410/tema.v3i2.137