The historical memory of Fazenda Santa Maria do Monjolinho in São Carlos

Fazenda Santa Maria do Monjolinho, located in São Carlos, São Paulo, is a testimony to Brazil’s rich agricultural history and, particularly, to its pivotal role in the coffee industry during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The article illustrates the digital documentation activities and the direct and indirect research on the Fazenda Santa Maria, one of the few remaining historic fazendas in the São Carlos region, exploring the significance of this historic building through the survey, models, and drawings developed to identify and classify its architectural features, as well as its current state of conservation. The defined documentation strategy to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the building includes technologies such as 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry, which allow precise recording and analysis of the historic property. By capturing high-resolution data, these methods facilitate detailed documentation of architectural features and conditions, implementing the knowledge of this typology of architectural heritage while providing a robust basis for conservation efforts and information for dissemination activities.